Raising Aspirations through targeted delivery at key stages of transition:
Year 7
Reflecting on their start to high school and making links between their own personal qualities and employer ‘expectations’.
Beginning to reflect on their own personal skills, aspirations and making links to future success. Becoming aware of their own personal characteristics via PSHCE and Tutor lead activities and developing employability skills through enrichment day programmes and relevant form group activities.
Year 8
To be able to make well-informed choices and good decisions about their
future, Year 8 further develop their self-awareness and occupational
awareness through Careers related PSHCE topics and evaluating a wide
range of pathways. They are introduced to web-based research e.g. START/Unifrog and take part in enrichment programmes to investigate the range of possible
progression routes. The Year 8 programmes allow students to understand the braod range of Education and Careers Pathways Available. This work suports their decision making regarding their choice of ‘Enrichment’ Curriculum subjects and making links to future employment.
Year 9
Careers education in Year 9 supports student GCSE ‘Option’ choices through investigating wider career pathways, industries and job roles. Researching more specific job profiles and making links to personal aspirations. Understanding more about Labour Market Information (LMI), job adverts and associated employer expectations
Carrying out further research, PSHCE and enrichment activities to understand the ‘advantages and disadvantages’ of various careers pathways and adapting plans accordingly e.g. careers research into specific job roles using START/Unifrog. This is further supported by employer input and exploring Further and Higher Education routes in more depth via Tutor group activities and specialist talks. Yr 9 students attend the school annual Careers Fair to gain a broader awareness of progression routes. Plus, curriculum careers themed lessons help make more informed option choices.
Year 10
A focus in Year 10 is planning and undertaking work experience and further CIAG research linked to developing an effective C.V. These topics form part of PSHCE and Enrichment Day programmes.
In addition, students identify careers opportunities and further develop their employment skills and characteristics that are valued and expected by employers. Taking responsibility for planning their own work experience placements and developing associated recruitment skills. Impartial Careers guidance meetings made available. To attend the school Careers Fair to strengthen awareness.
Year 11
In Year 11, the focus is all about firming up F.E./H.E./Apprenticeship ‘Pathways’ & Post-16 applications by the end of Key Stage 4
Students become fully aware of their Post-16 options and feel confident in their decision making. All of Year 11 are supported to make at least one F.E. or Apprenticeship application before the end of the spring term. All students take part in PSHCE careers related modules and further enrichment programmes. Plus, targeted intervention and careers guidance meetings as required. Year 11 also attend the school Careers Fair and regional events.
Year 12/13
Applying for and Exploring H.E. Options and Apprenticeship Pathways. also setting up and planning towards a work experience placement matched to their career aspirations and to consider a full range of options including H.E and Higher/Degree Apprenticeship routes .
A key aim is to ensure that all Sixth Form students remain focused and motivated towards achieving their ambitions and realise their true potential; either through successful applications to their chosen universities or higher/degree apprenticeship opportunities through the school’s Employment Readiness Programme. Students also attend the school’s annual Careers Fair and other regional careers events.