Sandbach school curriculum is a broad and balanced seven-year journey planned to support personal and academic growth, social mobility and tolerance. The school curriculum encompasses the National Curriculum and fully supports learners with learning difficulties, ensuring inclusivity across all groups within our community. The curriculum provides opportunities in and out of the classroom to learn academic subject content and exposes students to broader personal development issues, producing young adults who can play a valuable part in society. The extensive extra-curricular provision is seen as fundamental to the journey of all stakeholders in our community.

The curriculum is designed and implemented by subject specialists in such a way that curriculum intent is achieved, regular reviews ensure SOW are up to date, teachers adapt lessons to meet learners needs and cross curricular links are mapped. Learning allows students to embed and recall knowledge through techniques such as interleaving of topics and recapping knowledge. Reading is viewed as the gateway to learning and as such is being fully integrated into SOW across the curriculum. This cohesive approach to curriculum implementation builds firm foundations for students securing successful progression to their next level and exam success where required. EBacc subjects are at the heart of the curriculum, with the vast majority of students following a path that allows them to follow these subjects until the end of Year 11.

We recognise the curriculum needs to be dynamic and as such it is regularly reviewed by curriculum leaders and leadership group through a variety of methods, ensuring we meet the needs of our learners.

Transition and induction

At KS3 the curriculum is designed to be broad and balanced to enable the students to build on the skills and knowledge they have gained at primary school. The curriculum allows students to develop the skills, resilience and depth of learning to successfully access their next phase of education. The students are prepared to make positive and informed choices for their future at the end of the phase. Each subject has a planned learning journey with clear statements setting out what students need to know, understand and do, to reach their full potential.

Year 9 Bridging Year

Students continue to follow a core curriculum including English, Maths, Science, Geography, History, MFL, RS, Music, Drama, Art, Food and Resistant Materials in Y9. In addition to these subjects at the end of Year 8 students choose eight subjects to study during the first two terms of Y9, of which two have to be Geography and History. This approach is designed to give students a broader curriculum than Y7 and Y8, as it includes subjects not delivered in lower years. This approach also allows the students to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subjects available in Y10 and Y11 resulting in strong progress.

Year 10 & Year 11

In addition to the core curriculum of English, Maths Science and P.E. students follow four courses they selected at the end of Year 9 from a variety of practical, vocational and academic subjects. This gives every student the opportunity to construct a broad and balanced curriculum that meets their needs. Students are encouraged to pursue courses they find interesting and challenging and will facilitate their future educational pathway.

Qualifications phase KS5

Students are able to pick subjects which meet their career aspirations. The subjects are in option blocks which are reviewed annually. There are a number of subjects included in numerous blocks to enable students’ flexibility in selection. There is a focus on progression and building aspiration. The students are taught to be resilient, reflective and independent to enable them to be successful lifetime learners. A bespoke PSHCE curriculum is delivered ensuring our older students are supported and informed on the key issues facing them in late adolescence.

Curriculum Review

Fortnightly Zone management meetings with all subject leaders and their attached member of leadership group routinely address curriculum issues. These meetings regularly involve discussions about the curriculum to ensure it is ambitious, coherently planned and sequenced, and inclusive.

Curriculum implementation will be reviewed and quality assured through line management meetings, annual department reviews, exam reviews, book scrutiny and learning walks.

The curriculum delivered in each subject is reviewed and developed throughout each school year. It is also formally reviewed annually by subject leaders to ensure the sequence of delivery allows students to build on their knowledge and that students are sufficiently stretched and challenged.

The curriculum hours and subjects offered will be analysed by the senior leadership team on an annual basis and discussed with governors. Student voice is regularly used as a tool to gather valuable information about the student learning experience during their time at school.

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum Sandbach School is following, please contact