Raising Aspirations through targeted delivery at key stages of transition:
Year 7
Reflecting on their start to High School and making links between personal qualities and employer ‘expectations’.
Reflecting on their own personal skills, aspirations and making links to future success. Becoming aware of their own personal characteristics via PSHCE and Tutor Led activities.
Year 8
GCSE options choices and links to future employment
To be able to make well-informed choices and good decisions about their transition to Key Stage 4. To support this, self-awareness and occupational awareness is enhanced through a bespoke PSHCE programme called ‘Back to Your Future’ and further extra-curricular activities i.e. GCSE Tasters and Options events.
Year 9
Getting off to a good start with GCSE / Vocational Studies – looking at existing employee profiles and making links to personal aspirations.
To understand the more detailed ‘advantages and disadvantages’ of various careers pathways and adapting plans accordingly e.g. ‘A day in the life of’ research
Year 10
Building an effective C.V. via the Kudos ICT Programme and keeping their options open.
To record and identify opportunities to further develop the employment skills and characteristics that are valued and expected by employers.
Year 11
Firming up F.E./H.E./Apprenticeship ‘Pathways’ & Post 16 choices at the end of Key Stage 4
To be fully aware of their Post 16 options and to feel confident in their decision making. Ideally all of Year 11 should have made at least one application before the end of the autumn term.
Year 12/13
Applying for and Exploring H.E. Options or Alternatives to University i.e. Higher Apprenticeship ‘Pathways’.
To ensure that all Sixth Form students remain focused and motivated towards achieving their ambitions and realise their true potential; either through successful applications to their chosen universities or access to higher apprenticeship opportunities.
Our Work Related learning programmes are managed and reviewed regularly by an experienced team of senior and middle leaders that report directly to the Head Teacher / Senior Leadership Team. The current structure is as follows:
Mr Stuart Dodds – Deputy Head Teacher (Pastoral)
Mr Steve Mills – Careers and Enterprise Education Manager (smills@sandbachschool.org)
Our careers education is delivered through a planned series of PSHCE lesson times throughout the academic year and also during our ‘Enrichment Day’ programmes.