How do we support and develop British values at Sandbach School?
PSHCE, SMSC and British Values
Alongside the social, moral, cultural and social development of students, Sandbach School constantly strives to promote the values that underpin British society which ensure students are prepared to be effective and responsible citizens who have the qualities and attributes students need to thrive as individuals as well as members of society. These values are demonstrated across the everyday curriculum as well as wider school life and the aspects of British values include:
- Equality and Respect
- Democracy and the Rule of Law
- Tolerance
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Citizenship and community
Promotion of British Values
The promotion of SMSC and British values is key and Sandbach School strongly believes that these values underpin the personal development of the all students. SMSC and British values are promoted in a variety of different ways including:
- Student Enrichment Days; PSHCE; Social enterprise including charity work
- Tutor time and the assembly programme
- Wider school curriculum
- Student Responsibility – The Senate and The Representatives
- Careers and enterprise education
- Extra-curricular activities
- Study trips and visits
The PSHCE curriculum includes distinct units which promote the British values which aim to enrich personal development of all students. (See below)
Download our PSHCE inc British Values HERE