Sandbach school has two open events in September for both Whole school and Sixth form!


Whole School Open Morning – Saturday 22nd September 2018

Sandbach School is hosting an open morning from 9am – 12 noon for both parents/carers and their sons in years 4, 5 & 6. Explore the site at your own place or take an offer of a guided tour by some of our current sixth form students. Members of staff from SLT and departmental heads will also be available to ask questions.

A talk from the headteacher is available at 10:30am


Sixth Form Open Evening – Wednesday 26th September 2018

Sandbach Sixth Form is holding an open evening from 4:30pm – 6:45pm. The evening will include all current and upcoming subjects that will be offered at our sixth form with presentations from the Head of sixth form and Headteacher from 6pm.  Our sixth form accepts applications from both boys and girls in the South Cheshire area.