Students, parents, staff and governors are celebrating a strong set of GCSE examination results at Sandbach School.  The school results demonstrate how well the challenges of the new GCSE examinations have been met by students, parents and teachers.  64% of students achieved the new Grade 5 benchmark in English and 61% in Maths.  History (68%), Geography (61%) and Science (60%) results continue to be a strength of the school but particularly pleasing is the success achieved across the breadth of the school curriculum with strong performances from students in Drama 77%, Art 97% and Music 87%.  Departments performing strongly at the highest level of GCSE, 9-7 included; Physics (48%) Computer Science (40%) and Music (63%).

The School’s largest ever cohort of students worked hard and made good progress during their time at Sandbach, with some students achieving a very high level of performance, these included:  Will Hopton and Andrew Beattie, also talented performers within music and drama;  Joseph Sweeney, a valued member of the school CCF;  Lorant Vazan and Hugh Leydon, both well respected members of the year group and Cameron Newton a talented sportsman, who remarked ‘I’m thrilled with my results it tops off a great 5 years at the school. I owe a lot to all the hard working staff involved’.

Another cohort of students that deserve to be recognised are those that have achieved results that demonstrate excellent academic progress during their time at Sandbach, these include:  Sid Smith, William Cottrell, Matthew Grant, Charlie Leech, Ryan Proctor, Pavol Potocar, Jacob Kennerley, Kieran Russell, Adam Robertson and Josh Price.  These results perhaps more than any others highlight what can be achieved when students, parents and teachers work together.

Headteacher Sarah Burns praised the students for their hard work, resilience and determination, and thanked parents for their tremendous support and encouragement.  She also acknowledged the hard work of staff that is needed to secure such success, recognising the new examinations had significantly ‘raised the bar’ for everyone concerned.

Many of the current Y11 are now enrolling in our successful Sixth Form and staff will be on hand over the next few days, to welcome them and students joining us from other schools. Whatever their chosen pathway we wish the class of 2018 all the very best for the future.

Will Hopton with his fantastic GCSE results.